Book your spay/neuter appointment now!

Book your spay/neuter appointment now!

Does your cat or dog need to be spayed or neutered? Now’s the time to make your appointment!

Getting your pet fixed helps control overpopulation and reduce euthanasia. It can also help your pet live a longer, happier life! Here are 4 myths about sterilization you should know.

Myth: “I should let my cat or dog go into heat at least once.”
Truth: The American Veterinary Medical Association recommends all cats and dogs be spayed or neutered by 5 months old.

Myth: “It’s expensive to have my pet spayed/neutered.”
Truth: The SAFE Care Clinic will work with you to get your pet fixed. Our staff can help those who cannot pay for the service. Do not hesitate to get an appointment!

Myth: “It’s painful for my pet.”
Truth: During a spay or neuter surgery, cats and dogs are fully anesthetized, so they feel no pain. All animals spayed at the SAFE Care Spay/Neuter Clinic receive pain medication before their surgeries and they return to normal activities after about a day. We also offer pain medication to go home for an additional fee.

Myth: “It’s not safe for my pet.”
Truth: While all surgery comes with some risk, spaying/neutering is essential for your pet’s health and safety. Spaying helps prevent uterine infections and breast cancer, which is fatal in about 90 percent of cats and dogs. Besides preventing unwanted litters, neutering your male companion prevents testicular cancer, if done before six months of age according to the ASPCA.

Need help in paying for this important care? There are funds available for our low-cost spaying/neuter services. Request an appointment now!

Golden and White Shaggy Dog

Spay and Neuter is Good for Your Dog!
Fixing your dog will not only help reduce the number of homeless dogs but also help your dog be healthier! Here are a few benefits:

    • Spaying or neutering your dog can actually reduce the risk of specific cancers and infections.
    • Alteration surgery may reduce some of the negative behaviors that are the result of a dog’s mating instinct.
    • Research has shown that fixing your dog can mean a longer life expectancy. That means more time with you!
Healthy Dogs & Cats = Healthy Life!

Healthy Dogs & Cats = Healthy Life!

How can you keep your cat or dog happy and healthy at home?

    • Exercise! Going for walks or moving around the house with your furry friend can help them stay physically active.
    • Play a game. Just like you, your dog or cat can get bored. Help them stay mentally engaged by throwing a ball with your dog, playing with a cat toy or hiding treats for them to find.
    • Feed your pet a nutritious, healthy diet. Keeping your pet at a healthy weight will help them live longer and reduce the chance of obesity-related health problems.
    • Protect them from parasites. Use preventatives to help reduce the chance of flea, ticks and heartworms. These parasites aren’t just outdoors and are a significant risk to your dog or cat so keep them safe!
Golden and White Shaggy Dog

Spay and Neuter is Good for Your Dog!
Fixing your dog will not only help reduce the number of homeless dogs but also help your dog be healthier! Here are a few benefits:

    • Spaying or neutering your dog can actually reduce the risk of specific cancers and infections.
    • Alteration surgery may reduce some of the negative behaviors that are the result of a dog’s mating instinct.
    • Research has shown that fixing your dog can mean a longer life expectancy. That means more time with you!
Cool Cats for the Summer 🕶️

Cool Cats for the Summer 🕶️

Summer in North Carolina is hot, but we have a few tips to help your kitty stay cool.

    • Keep your cat’s water fresh. You may have noticed that your cat doesn’t like to drink stale water. Changing your cat’s water daily helps encourage them to stay hydrated, which keeps them cooler.
    • Brush your cat regularly, especially if it has longer hair. Matted hair isn’t just hard to untangle – it can hold in body heat, making it hard for your cat to stay cool.
    • Recycle a cardboard box by turning it on its side to make a cool, dark hideaway for your cat to relax in and beat the heat!

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