
SAFE CARE Clinic News
Meet Dr. Tiffany
We’re delighted to introduce Dr. Tiffany Kutner, SAFE Care Spay/Neuter Clinic’s medical director. As a daughter of an Airforce sergeant, her family got to travel and move throughout the world. Born in Maine, she and her family moved to the Philippines before returning...
Happy birthday to us!
Happy birthday to us! For 20 years, SAFE Haven Spay & Neuter Clinic has helped address the pet overpopulation problem in Wake, Durham, Orange, Franklin, Johnston, Granville and Harnett counties by offering low-cost spay and neuter services for cats and dogs. The...
Book your spay/neuter appointment now!
Does your cat or dog need to be spayed or neutered? Now's the time to make your appointment! Getting your pet fixed helps control overpopulation and reduce euthanasia. It can also help your pet live a longer, happier life! Here are 4 myths about sterilization you...
Healthy Dogs & Cats = Healthy Life!
How can you keep your cat or dog happy and healthy at home? Exercise! Going for walks or moving around the house with your furry friend can help them stay physically active. Play a game. Just like you, your dog or cat can get bored. Help them stay mentally engaged by...
Cool Cats for the Summer 🕶️
Summer in North Carolina is hot, but we have a few tips to help your kitty stay cool. Keep your cat’s water fresh. You may have noticed that your cat doesn’t like to drink stale water. Changing your cat’s water daily helps encourage them to stay hydrated, which keeps...
Healthy Cats Live Longer!
Obesity is a huge problem for pet cats, but you can help keep your cat healthy, and help them live longer, by making a few changes! Food isn’t the only way to reward your cat. Try using catnip or even just extra affection. Exercise helps so give your cat a little...
Need Some Cat-ducation?
What does it mean to foster a cat? How do you bottle-feed kittens? What does it mean when my kitty shakes her tail in this specific way? How can I keep my cat from getting bored? You might have a lot of questions about your cats and how you can help cats in your...
How Healthy Is Your Cat?
February is National Cat Health Month and the perfect time to make sure your cat is happy and healthy! How can you tell your cat might be sick? Here are 10 signs of illness in cats. What does good health care for cats mean? Need tips on how to keep your cat healthy?...